Are you afraid of small?

How big is your church?  How big is your bank account?  How big is your title?  How big is your viewer base?  How many followers do you have? Culture has creeped up on the church in one “big” way—in the mindset that small equals insignificant. I heard a preacher recently say, ‘If your life starts …

Don’t Look Back

Sodom. 1000 BC. It was Lot’s wife’s favorite place she had ever called home. She had never had more friends and more fun than in the years she had lived in Sodom. Sure, she had forgotten a little of where her family had come from and the God they once loved, but the glamor and …

God will catch you up

You’ve heard the story….the tortoise and the hare. The tortoise — though slow — is steady, and wins the race, as the saying goes. It is fun to run your race during the times when you feel like the hare. Contrastingly, it can be much harder to run when you feel like the tortoise — …

Play Your Part

In music, there are many different kind of formats and styles of pieces. In all my years of classical piano studies, there was one type of piece that was my favorite to play — the concerto. Concertos are written for 2 parts: a soloist, and an accompaniment. The accompaniment is originally meant to be an …

A Legacy of Faithfulness

Legacy. What do you think of when you hear that word? Legacies aren’t usually made very quickly, but are rather the process of a steady investment into something over a period of time. More than that, a legacy indicates that something has grown from small to great, usually in an uncommon way. It is the …